Chip Lord: Public Spaces

Public Spaces is a survey of recent photographic and video projects including Movie Map (2003),Awakening from the 20th Century (1994), and In Transit (2010), and includes a projection room with several Ant Farm video projects and other videos on demand. The projects share an interest in public space while using different formal strategies for presentation.
UCSC Professor Emeritus Chip Lord was trained as an architect and is a media artist who produces both single-channel films and video installations. As a founding member of the alternative architecture collective Ant Farm (1968-1978), Lord co-produced the video art classics Media Burnand The Eternal Frame and built the Cadillac Ranch roadside sculpture in Amarillo, Texas. His creative practice in video straddles documentary and experimental —often mixing the two—and his works have been shown at numerous film and video festivals and museums around the world.
photo: observation deck at Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam (2005), from the project Airspaces, 2004–2010