Graduate Student Funding
Hitchcock Modern Poetry Fund
Hitchcock Modern Poetry Fund
Porter College is soliciting applications for funding for poetry-related projects to be undertaken during the upcoming academic year. Grants will be provided from an estimated $20,000 dividend for the year from The Hitchcock Modern Poetry Fund established by Lecturer Emeritus and poet George Hitchcock and poet Marjorie Simon in enduring support of poetry at Porter College. (Please see "Background of the Hitchcock Modern Poetry Fund" below.)
Funds may be requested in any amount. However, requests are expected to exceed available funding and many proposals will likely go unfunded. Funding decisions will be made on the basis of the criteria below and according to the priorities and judgement of the Poetry Advisory Committee, the Porter Executive Committee, and the Porter Provost.
Applications are due in the Porter College Office by noon on the second Friday of April. Please send your application via email to Shraddha Waghela, Porter College Academic Managaer,
Proposals are welcome from ALL UCSC faculty (including Lecturers and Emeriti). Students who wish to propose projects must make arrangements with a UCSC faculty advisor who will agree to review and submit the application for funds and who will actively guide the completion of the students' project should funds be awarded. Proposals are particularly sought from faculty fellows and students of Porter College. [See "Criteria" and "Background of the Fund" below.]
Funding is available for a wide variety of projects related to modern and contemporary poetry. Projects may include residencies for poets, readings by poets, commissions for song cycles, a poetry prize, support for performances of poetry-related projects (theater, music, art), a poetry-related conference, etc. The limits are wide and include theory as well as many forms of practice.
Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of the quality of the work, the numbers of UCSC students and faculty involved and/or affected, and relevance to Porter College students and faculty. (While students and faculty not associated with Porter are specifically included in this call, each project must, in SOME aspect, involve Porter College students and/or faculty and the degree of Porter involvement will be a factor in the selection process.)
To Be Considered:
Applications must by sent via EMAIL to Porter College Academic manager, Shraddha Waghela, . (See APPLICATION FORM below.) Supporting materials may be sent to the Porter College Office and referenced in the emailed application.
Background of the Hitchcock Poetry Fund:
During the summer 2002, George Hitchcock, renowned publisher, poet, painter, and UCSC lecturer emeritus in creative writing, established the Hitchcock Modern Poetry Fund in support of poetry-related activities at Porter College. Following Hitchcock's death in August 2010, his longtime partner, Marjorie Simon, honored and fulfilled Hitchcock’s wishes in perpetuity by securing the Fund with a a gift of $500,000.
While the Porter Provost, in consultation with the Porter Executive Committee, makes final decisions on the uses of available funding, initial decisions are made by an advisory committee established by Mr. Hitchcock and continuing with membership jointly selected by current members of the committee and the Porter Provost.