Policies and Behavior FAQS
At 18, can students really be considered adults?
Yes. The federal government legally considers 18-year old to be adults, as do we. Our Student Life program seeks to help ease and enrich that progression to adulthood. Our programs and judicial process focus on individual responsibility and wise decision-making.
How do you monitor drinking or drug use?
We do not obtrusively monitor the students or their activities. However, we have a highly-trained staff of Residential Assistants (student leaders), live-in staff members, and Community Safety officers who address any signs of policy violations that they see or suspect. We take use of alcohol and other drugs seriously, and try to communicate to students the consequences of their decisions.
Rumors v. reality – is there really that much marijuana use?
Students at all Universities will likely encounter marijuana, and use of the drug does occur on-campus. However, there are large numbers of students who choose not to use marijuana. Marijuana is illegal on University property, and students found possessing it, using it, or even in the presence of it may be held judicially responsible for their actions.
Are there policies against underage students being in the presence of alcohol/drugs?
Yes. Students who are under 21 years or age and are found to be in the presence of alcohol may be held judicially accountable under the College’s alcohol policy. Marijuana and other drugs are considered illegal substances at all times. The Coordinator for Residential Education (CRE) takes all sides into account when determining judicial responsibility – however, it is the college’s expectation that students are aware of the consequences of the decisions they make.
Will you notify me if my student has substance-abuse issues?
Per the California Privacy Act and FERPA (view our page on Privacy for more information) we cannot share confidential student information with others. However, we do take all use and abuse seriously, and often work with the Health Center or other resources to provide references and education to the students around these issues. We also often encourage students to reach out to their families for support and assistance. In the event of a grave or life-threatening illness or addiction, the family is usually contacted.
Is smoking allowed on-campus?
No. UCSC is a smoke-free environment.
Where I can I find the details about College and Campus Policies?
Student Conduct has a comprehensive list of college and campus policies. Also keep in mind that students who are housed on-campus receive handbooks with the college’s policies at the beginning of the year.