Step Three of the FYA Tutorial
Setting Goals
The Basic Steps To Setting a Goal Are:
- Identify your near and long-term goals and put them in writing. Think about what you’d like to accomplish; what skills you’d like to master; what classes would help you to accomplish these skills; what connections you’d like to make at the university. Make sure your goals are realistic and fit your personality, lifestyle and values.
- Describe what each goal will look like when it is accomplished. For example a goal of finding a major that fits your interests would be accomplished when you formally declare your major. A goal of graduating with honors would be completed when you walk across the stage at graduation and hear your honors announced or when you receive your diploma.
- Keep your list handy for future reference, review it periodically, and bring it to your advising appointments.
Resources For Setting Goals:
To learn more about setting academic goals, consult with advisers, faculty, etc., or review the resources below for research tips:
- Setting & Reaching Academic Goals
- To develop meaningful goals, it is helpful to first learn about yourself and what is important to you. Examining your values and skills can help steer you in the right academic direction and create an awareness that will enable you to take advantage of the opportunities available to you. There are a number of Internet resources for assessing personality, values, and skills. Many can be found on the Career Center's website. If you haven't already done so, take the free Focus Assessment to learn about your academic skills and values.